Exploring Files and Folders with Windows 11

Huntington & Bay Shore > 3 sessions of 2.5 hours each; Blue Point > 3 sessions of 2 hours each

While Windows 11 is the Operating System used, the concepts and instructions are appropriate for most earlier versions of Windows.

Pre-requisite: PC Computing Basics 1 & 2 (previously named Introduction to Computers 1 & 2).

Managing files is one of the most important tasks for personal computer users. Simply stated, if you can’t locate a file, you can’t use it. You’ll learn how to create a filing system, how to create folders, and how to navigate through the filing system that you designed.

In this 3-lesson class series, you will learn:

  • Why file management is important
  • How to open File Explorer and its various parts.
  • To create folders and sub-folders
  • To rename folders and files
  • To move/cut and copy and paste files and folders
  • To change the view in the Detail Pane
  • To sort folders and files
  • To preview a file
  • To understand File extensions
  • To delete files and how to use the Recycle Bin
  • To search for files and folders
  • How to use Quick Access
  • How to create shortcuts on the desktop

The SeniorNet Advantage

Hands-on instruction● Individual attention● One student per computer
● Manuals included● Friendly atmosphere● Seniors teaching seniors