Google Docs & Sheets for Word & Excel Users

2 sessions of 2.5 hours each

You are quite comfortable using Word & Excel. Lately, Google has become popular and technology users are exploring the world of Google and embracing the many Google Apps.

This two-lesson class is intended for the student who wants to learn how to do the same basic operations they currently are doing in Word & Excel under the Google umbrella. It is not for the person who currently has no word processing or spreadsheet skills. It is for the person who wants to learn how to apply what he/she has learned in Word & Excel and transfer it to Google Sheets & Docs. In addition, students will learn how to use Google Drive which allows users to save and store files in the Google Cloud, synchronize files across devices, and share files with others.

Note: In order to use Google apps, each student must have a free Google account. Note that if you have Gmail then you already have a Google account. 

Lesson 1 Google Drive

• The Google Drive App • Navigation • Searching for files • Organizing files • Importing and exporting Microsoft files • How to share files • Allow others to view, make, or suggest changes • Chatting with collaborators

Lesson 1 Google Docs & Sheets

• How to use Google Docs • Version history • How to use Google Sheets • Differences between Google and Microsoft products

The SeniorNet Advantage

Hands-on instruction● Individual attention● One student per computer
● Manuals included● Friendly atmosphere● Seniors teaching seniors